It was a dark, foreboding night, and as the ancient grandfather clock dolefully struck the witching hour, the credits rolled on my ‘Village of the Damned’ DVD. I retired to the library with a stiff Scotch and pipe with my usual rough shag, and settled down with my faithful copy of ‘Keep Watching The Skies’ - to read all about that most singular village of Midwich… Henceforth, I discovered that Letchmore Heath near Elstree Film Studios was the location for the film - and a quick look on the map revealed that Letchmore Heath is only 7.6 miles from my house! “Darling” I said to my wife “How would you like a nice drive in the country this week-end? Perhaps stopping off for a bite to eat at...oh, I dunno…say, Letchmore Heath?” “What are you planning this time you idiot?” My wife asked, rather unkindly I thought. “Nothing at all darling.... nothing at all!” She looked directly at me for several seconds... “You’re thinking of…A BRICK WALL!” “Okay, okay you got me!” I said “Letchmore Heath is where they filmed Village of the Damned you know that film with the spooky little blonde kids...
... and so I want to go and see if I can recognise all the places in the film.” “You’re paying for lunch.” She said and walked out the door.
Which is why, later that week, I found myself spending an enjoyable afternoon wandering around Letchmore Heath, camera in hand. It’s a beautiful spot, basically (just) a small green, pub and pond. It doesn’t even have a shop – the store featured in the film is up for sale! It dates back to 1500 according to the Estate Agents. Unfortunately at £850,000 it’s out of my price range. Would make a nice piece of movie memorabilia though.
Anyway, here are the results of my sojourn, with the corresponding shots of the film (taken with the same camera, by sitting in front of the TV. Which explains why 'PAUSE' appears on a few shots. Apologies for my lack of technical know-how).