Music? Outside my igloo? What the...
I stumble sleepily outside and an explosion of glitter and applause greets me. A beautiful yet unwisely dressed (it's -38c) young lady drapes a sash over my shoulder as a feral looking spiv hands me a cheque for $1,000,000 saying: "Congratulations! You've lasted a record 395 days in the Igloo!"
So it was all some sort of reality TV show then? Phew, what a relief! I don't admitting that I was almost...
Day #395
Music? Outside my igloo?
No. Merely the wind whistling through a crack in the igloo above my head. Twas all but a dream...
Except - where did all the glitter outside my tent come from??!

You’ve got to hand it to Roger Corman, he never let a lack of money get in the way of making a grandiose epic.
The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Serpent tells of, well, a tale suggested very much by the title. Because of its short running time (barely over an hour) I’ve heard some wag ask if that was the title or the script… harsh, very harsh.
Harsh but fair, because even with this short running time (very short for a historical epic) we still get a fair bit of padding where the Viking Women are walking around what looks suspiciously like the Californian countryside.
This isn’t a good film. It’s a bad one. But very watchable. The Viking Women are gorgeous. The special effects (the viking boat, the sea monster) are laughable. The script is lamentable. The acting shoddy. The costumes are ridiculous…

But even so, it’s a lot of good, clean, wholesome fun. More fun than Eyes Wide Shut, certainly.
There is one goof listed on IMDB which I think sums this loveable little epic perfectly:
Continuity: When the Viking women are running along the beach, one of them is wearing sunglasses.
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